architecture . landscape . urbanism
Public Utility Areal Master Scenario

, 06/2006, Salzburg, Österreich

a Home needs identityThe high-rise buildings from the 60s and the remediation of contaminated sites resulting in a cratered landscape are forming the base on which a new and vital urban district is supposed to be developed over the course of the next several years. Beneficial located in the midst of the urban space the found structures are used as indicators for the continuation of the ideas of the master scenario: high-rise buildings and open spaces are developed side by side and will form the backbone of the future development. Nestled in a romantic park system, which embraces and evolves the existing topography, the environment provides a special atmosphere as well. Magnolia trees in context with mediterranean large trees underline the spacial character. Living Based on a high-density block structure different structural structures are developed. By fitting housing- specific open spaces - like balconies, loggias and roof terraces - into the cubic capacity of the structural structures, the cubic capacity is dissected and is now able to led an optimum of light into the structure itself. The ground floor will provide, like already proposed in the master scenario, an overlap of public and half public space.